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The Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop Page 21



  Meanwhile the sentinels on the hills missed little of the movement inthe valley. They quivered with rage as the horsemen dismounted andentered the agent's house, for that seemed a defeat for their friend;but when the strangers remounted and rode away all were reassured, andTwo Horns said, "I will go down and see what it all means."

  One by one the principal native employes reappeared. Crane's Voice cameout of the barn, where he had lain with his eyes to a crack in the wall,and Peter Big-Voice and Robert Wolf stepped cautiously into view frombehind the slaughter-pen. Old Mary, the cook, suddenly blocked thekitchen door-way, and, with tremulous lips, asked: "Cowboys gone?"

  "Yes, all gone," replied Jennie, much amused.

  "Good, good," replied the old woman.

  "Where have you been, Mary?"

  Her white teeth shone out in a sudden smile. "Ice-house--heap cold."

  "What did you go in there for?"

  "Cowboy no good--mebbe so shoot."

  "They won't hurt you," said Jennie, gently. "Go to work again. TheCaptain will take care of you."

  "Little Father no got gun--cowboy heap gun."

  "Little Father don't need gun now; you are all right," Jennie said, andthe old woman went to her work again, though nervously alert to everysound.

  From nowhere in particular, two sharp-eyed lads sauntered up the road toplay under the office window, so that if any loud word should be spokenthe tribe might know of it.

  Jennie and Elsie discussed the situation while sitting at the librarywindow with a view of the agency front door.

  "I can't for the life of me take a serious view of this episode," saidJennie. "These cowboys wouldn't be so foolish as to fire a first shot.They are like big, country school-boys."

  "The Parkers!" cried Elsie, suddenly. "Where are the Parkers?"

  Jennie gasped. "True enough! I had forgotten all about them. I don'tbelieve they have got back from their ride."

  "They will be scared blue. We must send for them."

  "I'll have Crane's Voice go at once," said Jennie. "I will go with him."

  "Don't do that--not without letting the Captain know. How far is it?"

  "Just over the hill--not more than five miles."

  But even as she was hurrying across to the corral to find an angel forthis mission of mercy, she saw the Parkers coming down the hill-side,moving slowly, for both were very bad riders. It was plain they hadheard nothing, and as she watched them approach Jennie cried:

  "Don't say a word. They won't see anything suspicious."

  There was something irresistibly funny in the calm stateliness of theblond Parker as he led the way past the store which was deserted of itspatrons, past the school-house where the students were quivering withexcitement, and close beside the office behind whose doors Curtis wasstill in legal battle with the sheriff.

  Jennie met her visitors at the gate, her hands clinched in the effort tocontrol her laughter. "You are late. Are you hungry?" she asked.

  "Famished!" said Parker. "I had to ride slow on Mrs. Parker's account."

  "I like that!" cried Jennie. "As if any one could be a worse rider thanyou are."

  "How do women get off, anyway?" asked Parker, as he approached hiswife's pony.

  "Fall off," suggested Jennie, and this seemed so funny that she andElsie went off into simultaneous hysterical peals of laughter.

  "You are easily amused," remarked Parker, eying them keenly. "Laugh on;it is good for digestion. Excuse me from joining; I haven't anything todigest."

  Putting his angular shoulder to Mrs. Parker's waist, he eased her to theground awkwardly but tenderly. Upon facing the girls again anddiscovering them still in foolish mirth, Parker looked himself all overcarefully, then turned to his wife. "We seem to be affording these youngladies a great deal of hearty pleasure, Mrs. Parker."

  Mrs. Parker was not so dense. "What is the matter?" she asked, sharply."What has happened? This laughter is not natural--you are bothhysterical."

  Both girls instantly became as grave as they had been hilarious a momentbefore.

  "Now I _know_ something is wrong," said Mrs. Parker. "Where is theCaptain? What made you laugh that way? Have the savages broken out?"

  Jennie met Parker's eyes fairly popping from his head, and went off intoanother shout. At last she paused and said, breathlessly: "Oh, you arefunny! Come into the house. We've been entertaining a lynchingparty--all the Indians are in the hills and the sheriff's in the officethrottling the agent."

  While the Parkers consumed their crusts of bread and scraps of coldmeat, Jennie told them what had happened.

  Parker rose to the occasion. "We must get out o' here--every one of us!We should never have come in here. Your brother is to blame; he deceivedus."

  "He did not!" replied Jennie. "You shall not hold him responsible!"

  "He knew the situation was critical," Parker hotly retorted. "He knew anoutbreak was likely. It was criminal on his part."

  "Jerome Parker, you are a donkey," remarked Elsie, calmly. "Nothing hasreally happened. If you're so nervous, go home. You can't sculp anIndian, anyway--grasshoppers and sheep are in your line." She hadreverted to the plain talk of the studios. "Your nervousness amused usfor a while, but it bores us now. Please shut up and run away if you areafraid."

  "You're not very nice," said Mrs. Parker, severely.

  "I don't think it's very manly of your husband when he begins to blameCaptain Curtis for an invasion of cowboys."

  "You admitted you were scared," pursued Parker.

  "Well, suppose we were, we didn't weep and complain; we set to work totide over the crisis."

  Jennie put in a word. "If you'd feel safer in the camp of the enemy, Mr.Parker, we'll set you down the valley with the settlers. I intend tostay right here with my brother."

  "So do I," added Elsie; "if there is danger it is safer here than withthe cowboys; but the mob is gone, and the Captain and Osborne will seethat we are protected."

  Meanwhile the office resounded with the furious argument of the sheriff."The whole western part of the State is disgusted with the way in whichthese Indians escape arrest. They commit all kinds of depredations, andnot one is punished. This has got to stop. We intend to learn this tribeit can't hide thieves and murderers any longer." He ended, blusteringlike a northwest wind.

  "Produce your warrants and I'll secure the men," replied Curtis,patiently. "You shall not punish a whole tribe on a pure assumption. Youmust come to me with a proper warrant for a particular man, and when youreceive him from me you must prove his guilt in court. As the case nowstands, you haven't the slightest evidence that an Indian killed thisherder, and I will not give over an innocent man to be lynched by you."

  As the sheriff stormed up and down the floor Lawson said, in a lowvoice: "Delay--delay."

  Curtis, who had been writing a note, slipped it to Lawson, who rose andwent out of the door. Curtis continued to parley.

  "I appreciate your feeling in this matter, Mr. Sheriff, and I am willingto do what is right. I have called a council of my head men to-night,and I will ask them to search for the murderer. An Indian cannot keep asecret. If one of the Tetongs killed your herder he will tell of it. Iagain suggest that you go back to your people and assure them of mywillingness to aid in this affair. Give me three days in which to act."

  "That crowd will not be satisfied unless we bring an Injun with us.We've got to do that or they'll come rompin' in here and raise hell withyou. I propose to take old Crawling Elk himself and hold him till thetribe--"

  "If you attempt such a crime I will put you off the reservation,"replied Curtis, sharply.

  "Put me off! By ----, I think I see you doing that! Why, the whole Statewould rise and wipe you and your tribe out of existence." He turnedthreateningly and towered over Curtis, who was seated.

  "Be quiet, and keep your distance, or I'll put you in irons! Sit down!"

  These words were not spoken loudly, but they caused the sheriff'
s faceto blanch and his knees to tremble. There was a terrifying, set glare inthe officer's eyes as he went on:

  "What do you suppose would be the consequences of firing upon a captainof the United States army in the discharge of his duty, by a sheriffacting outside the law? You have only three men out there, and one ofthem is my friend, and you know the quality of Calvin Streeter. I amstill in command of this reservation, Mr. Sheriff."

  Lawson re-entering at this moment, Curtis said: "Ask Streeter to comein, will you, Mr. Lawson?"

  Calvin entered smilingly. "Well, what's the up-shot?" he asked.

  "It is this, Calvin. The sheriff has no warrant for anybody, not evenfor a suspect. I have asked him to go back and wait till I can find someclew to the murderer. Do you consider that reasonable?"

  "It sounds fair," admitted Calvin, growing grave.

  "Now the question of whether the State or county authority covers afederal reservation or not is too big a question for us to settle. Yousee that, Calvin?"

  Calvin scratched his head. "It sure is too many fer me."

  "Now I'll compromise in this case, Mr. Sheriff. You discharge the restof your deputies and send them away, while you and Calvin remain with meto attend a council--not to arrest anybody, but to convince yourself ofmy good-will in the matter. I will not permit you to be armed nor toarrest any of my Indians until we know what we are doing. When we secureevidence against any man I will arrest him myself and turn him over toyou. But I insist that you send away the men in the outer office."

  Calvin spoke up. "I reckon the Major's right, sheriff. How ye goin' toarrest a man if you don't know who he is? I reckon you better do as hesays. I ain't a-lookin' fer no fuss with the agent, and the UnitedStates army only fifty miles off."

  The sheriff growled surlily. "All right, but there ain't no monkeybusiness about this. I get my man sooner or later, you bet your hearton that." As he went out into the general office and announced theagent's demand, Green blurted out defiant phrases.

  "I'll be damned if I would! No--stick it out! Do? Why, take old Elk andhold him till the tribe produces the right man--that's the way we alwaysdone before."

  The arguments of Calvin could not be heard, but at last he prevailed,and the sullen deputies withdrew. The sheriff scrawled a hasty note tothe county attorney to explain his failure to bring his man, and thethree deputies went out to saddle up. Their cursing was forceful andvaried, but they went.

  Parker, seeing them come forth, met them, inquiring anxiously:

  "Well, what do you think of the situation?"

  Green looked at him surlily. "You belong here?"

  "No, I'm just a visitor."

  "Well, you better get out quick as God'll let ye."

  "Why, what is going to happen?"

  "Just this: we're goin' to have the man that killed Cole or we'll cutthis whole tribe into strips. That's all," and they moved on, cursingafresh.

  Parker fell back aghast, and watched them in silence as they saddledtheir horses and rode off. He then hurried to the office. Wilson, aftergoing in to see his chief, came back to say: "The Major will see you ina moment. He's sending out his police."

  A few moments afterwards six of the Indian policemen came filing out,looking tense and grave, and a couple of minutes later Curtis appeared.

  "What is it, Parker?"

  "What is going on, Captain? I am very anxious."

  "You need not be. We've reached a compromise. Wait a moment and I willgo over to the house with you."

  When he reappeared, Lawson was with him. Nothing was said till they werewell in the middle of the road. Then Curtis remarked, carelessly:

  "You attended to that matter, Lawson?"

  "Yes, Crane's Voice is ten miles on his way."

  "There go two dangerous messengers," said Curtis, lifting his eyes tothe hill-side, up which the sullen deputies were climbing.

  Parker was importunate--he wished to understand the whole matter. Curtisbecame a little impatient. "I will explain presently," he replied, andnothing more was said till they entered the library, which was filledwith the women of the agency. Jennie had reassured them as best shecould, but they were eager to see the agent himself. Miss Colson, thekindergarten teacher, was disposed to rush into his arms.

  Curtis smiled round upon them. "What's all this--a council of war?"

  Miss Colson seized the dramatic moment. "Oh, Major, are we in danger?Tell us what has happened."

  "Nothing much has happened since dinner. I have persuaded the sheriff todischarge all his deputies except Calvin, and they are to remain over. Ihave sent for the head man to come in, and we are going to councilto-night. The trouble is practically over, for the sheriff has given upthe attempt to arrest Elk as a hostage. Now go back to your work, all ofyou. You should not have left your children," he added, rather sternly,to Miss Colson. "They need you now."

  The women went out at once, and in a few minutes Curtis was alone withthe members of his own little circle. "Now I have another story foryou," he said, turning to Elsie. "While I am sure the worst of thesheriff's work is over, I realize that there are two hundred armed menover on the Willow, and that it is better to be on the safe side.Therefore I have sent to Fort Lincoln for troops. Crane's Voice willreach there by sundown--the troops should arrive here by sunriseto-morrow. Meanwhile I will talk with Elk--"

  "Suppose Elk don't come?" asked Jennie.

  Curtis looked grave. "In that case I shall go to find him."

  Elsie cried out, "You wouldn't do that?"

  "Yes, it would be my duty--I have promised--but he will come. He trustsme. I have ordered him to bring all his people and camp as usual justabove the agency store. Now, of course, no one can tell the preciseoutcome of all this, and if you, Miss Brisbane, and Mr. and Mrs. Parker,want to go down to the white settlement, I will send you at once. Mr.Lawson will go with you, or I will ask the sheriff to take you--"

  "The safest place on the reservation is right here!" said Lawson."Suppose the ranchers return--they will take control here, and use theagency as a base of supplies; the fighting will take place in the hills.Besides, our going would excite the settlers uselessly, and put CaptainCurtis deeper into trouble. I propose that we stay right here, andconvince the employes and the Indians that we are not alarmed. I don'twant to assume the responsibility of a panic, and our going thisafternoon might precipitate one."

  Curtis was profoundly grateful to Lawson for this firm statement. "Ithink you are right, Mr. Lawson," he said, formally. "You see myposition clearly. I feel sure I can control the sheriff by peaceablemeans--and yet my responsibility to you weighs upon me." He looked atElsie again. "I think you can trust me. Will you stay?"

  "Of course we will stay," she replied, and Parker sank into his chair asif resigned to his fate.

  Curtis went on: "I am not speaking to reassure myself. Perhaps I am toopositive, but my experience as an officer in the army has given me acontempt for these six-shooter heroes. The thing I really fear is apanic among the settlers. Naturally, I am disinclined towards thenotoriety I would gain in the press; but the troops will certainly behere to-morrow, and that will settle the turmoil. The sheriff is less ofan embarrassment, now that he has only Calvin as deputy."

  "Send the sheriff over here--we'll entertain him by showing him thephotograph album," called Jennie. "We helped out this forenoon, and wecan do it again."

  "I don't think such heroic methods are necessary; an extra good dinnerwill do quite as well," replied Curtis, smiling. "I'm sorry, Mr. Parker,that your expedition for material is coming to this grewsome end."

  Elsie interposed. "It is precisely what he wants; he will know frompositive knowledge how a Tetong brave dresses for war. I have alwaysclaimed that no Indian ever wore that absurd war-bonnet."

  Lawson added: "And _you_ will gain valuable information as to thecharacter of white settlers and 'Indian outbreaks.'"

  "I ought to telegraph papa."

  "I have already done so," replied Lawson--"in anticipation of thehullabaloo
that will break forth in the papers of the State to-morrow."

  "I shall wire the department a full statement to-night," said Curtis."But we must be careful what we say at this point."

  "Isn't it a foolish thing not to have a telegraph line connecting thefort and the agency?" cried Jennie. "The troops could have been half-wayhere by this time."

  "It's the same penny-wise and pound-foolish method by which the Indianservice is run," responded Lawson.

  "Here comes one of my scouts," said Curtis, as a young Tetong gallopedup to the gate, threw himself from his reeking pony, and strode into thehall-way without knocking, his spurs clattering, his quirt dangling fromhis wrist. As he stood before his chief, delivering his message withshadowy silence and swiftness, Elsie thrilled with the dramaticsignificance of the scene. The stern, almost haughty face of the youngman was in keeping with his duties.

  Curtis dismissed the boy and translated his message. "He says thesettlers below us have fled towards Pinon City, taking all their goodswith them. White Wolf's band are all in camp except the young men, whoare scouting for the chiefs to see what it all means. That mob ofcowboys took delight, no doubt, in scattering consternation as theypassed. The settlers are in stampede."

  "Wilson is coming across the street," said Jennie, "and has an Indianwith him."

  "Another scout," said Curtis. "Now I will let you know all that goes on,but I must ask you all, except Mr. Lawson, to leave me the library totransact this business in." As Elsie passed him, she drew towards himwith a little, shrinking movement which moved him deeply. It was asthough she were clutched by a force greater than her will.

  "It's like being at army headquarters," she said to Jennie.

  "It is a little like a commander's tent in the field. I wish we dared tothrow that old sheriff off the reservation. He has no right to besnooping round here."

  Parker slumped deep in a big rocker, and Mrs. Parker sat beside him andput her hand on his arm.

  "Don't worry about me, Jerome."

  He looked up gloomily. "I got you into this, dearest, and I must get youout. If the soldiers come to-morrow I will ask for an escort to thefort, and then we can reach the railway and get out of the cursedcountry. I'd as soon live in a den of hyenas and rattlesnakes."

  Elsie laughed. "Parker, you are too amusing. You are pathetic. When Ithink of you as you pranced about the camp-fire two days ago and lookupon you now, my heart aches for you."

  "I don't think it generous of you to make fun of us at this time, BeeBee," Mrs. Parker replied, reproachfully.

  "Oh, let her go on. Her Latin Quarter English doesn't disturb me,"Parker answered, savagely.

  Curtis at this moment appeared. "My message was from the farmer atWillow Spring. He says all his employes, with one or two exceptions,have disappeared; that the band of Crawling Elk was threatened by a mobof white men early this morning, and that they are all breaking camp inorder to flee to the hills. All the settlers on the Willow are hurryingtheir women and children down towards Pinon City. The whole country hasbeen alarmed by the menace of the coroner's inquest, which is campedbelow the agency at Johnson's ranch, waiting the sheriff's return. Thedeputies had not reached there when this letter was written," addedCurtis. "The sheriff's message will disperse the crowds, and I amsending a note of reassurance to the farmers and to the settlers."

  "It's getting mighty serious, don't you think so?" asked Parker. "I wishthe troops were here. Can't we hurry them up?"

  "No, all that can be done has been done. I am telling you all that goeson, and I must request you not to repeat it. I wish you would all bespecially guarded in the presence of the sheriff. You might engage himin a game of 'cinch' after dinner. Anything to keep him out of my way."

  "We'll absorb him," said Jennie.

  One by one Curtis called in his most trusted employes, and, quietingtheir fears, put them to their duties. Special policemen were uniformedand sent to carry messages to the encampments on the hills, asking thehead men of each band to come at once to the agency for council, and toorder their people into camp. The tranquillizing effect of the agent'sbearing made itself felt immediately. The threads of the whole tanglewere soon in his hands and made straight, and when he received thesheriff at six o'clock he was confident and serene of bearing.

  * * * * *

  Two Horns came down from the hills, and at the agent's order gatheredhis band close around his own tepee to camp until the trouble was ended.Together they made a tour of the village, and Curtis made it plain thathe would protect them, and that no more armed men would come among themto incite violence.

  "They have turned back, for fear of the Little Father and ofWashington," said Two Horns to the old men, and they were glad of hiswords.

  Curtis was by no means at ease. As he recalled the threats of thecattlemen, the encroachments of their flocks, the vicious assaults madeon Crow Killer and Yellow Hand, he divined a growing antagonism whichcould go but little further without producing war. His mind dwelt on thehurrying figure of Crane's Voice. Much depended on him. He saw him as hefaced the sentry. "If he should fail to reach the Colonel! But he willnot fail, and troops will be instantly despatched."

  From these considerations he turned to the growing trust and confidencewhich Elsie was displaying. That movement towards him, slight as it was,and the softened look in her eyes, quickened his breath as he allowedhis inward self to muse on their meaning. She was looking to him forprotection, and this attitude was not only new, it was disturbing; andthe soldier found it necessary to put away his pipe and fall savagelyupon some work to keep his mind from ranging too far afield.